The Seven Deadly Sins, or the Roots of Sin, appear in the traditional order. Look at the Wordles first and allow your unconscious to free-associate with the words. The roots of sin often manifest in attributes opposite of common usage. For instance, too much busy-ness is a kind of sloth, and self-hated is a kind of pride. You can be a trim and fit glutton or a self-righteous envyer. You can be furious beneath your smile, avaricious in your simplicity, lustful behind your desire to help others.
You are not the last or first to sin, nor the least of sinners or the most wicked of all. You will sin again. And again. But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, said St. Paul. We're made for reverence, for resilience, for ever awakening thresholds of moral consciousness in the journey of love.